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BKISHHB > Visit > Museum Guidelines

Protecting our Valuable Collections

Please help us protect our valuable collections and create a safe and conductive environment by observing the following:

Touching the Artwork Icon

Touching the Artwork

While engagement with our interactive displays is encouraged, please refrain from touching any exhibits labelled with "Do Not Touch" as even clean hands can cause damage to the artefacts.

Do also pay attention to all barriers and/or floor markings.

Consideration for Others

For the enjoyment of other visitors, kindly set your mobile phone to silent mode and refrain from talking loudly when in the exhibition galleries.

Safety of Young Visitors Icon

Safety of Young Visitors

For the safety and security of young visitors in the galleries, children below 10 years old must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Running in the exhibition galleries is not allowed.

Behaviour Icon


We are committed to ensuring that the gallery is a safe, inclusive and respectful place for all.

Anyone exhibiting abusive, threatening or violent behaviours will be asked to stop or leave the building.

Food and Drinks Icon

Food and Drinks

Food and drinks are prohibited in the galleries. This is to prevent spillages and keep pests away from visitors and the artefacts.

Bags Icon


Please store all your personal belongings inside the locker .

No Flash Photography Icon

No Flash Photography

Take as many photos as you like to cherish your memories during your visit here.

Do note that the use of tripods, selfie sticks, flash photography and professional cameras is prohibited (unless otherwise stated).

No Videography Icon

No Videography

Visitors are prohibited to film inside the exhibition galleries.

No Videography Icon

No Smoking

Balai Khazanah Islam is committed to a smoke-free environment. Smoking or vaping is not permitted within the building.


Before visiting Balai Khazanah Islam, visitors are require to adhere to specific etiquettes and rules as outlined below: